Tristan Horx

Fütürist ve Y Kuşağı'ndan Uluslararası Konuşmacı, Future Project Kurucu Ortağı ve Mentoru

Tristan Horx could be described as a new generation of futurists, if he didn’t personally call for the end of the classic generational models. The speaker and author at the Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute) deals with the topics of societal change, and is researching what will follow the Gen X, Y and Z. He has been a lecturer at SRH Hochschule Heidelberg since 2018 and a columnist at Kronen Zeitung since 2019.

His German or English presentations are about the developments in the fields of Mobility, Digitalisation and the old bogey Globalisation. As an Anthropologist, he sees his job as finding the bridge between creativity and economy within macro-societal questions. As the host of the Zukunftsinstitut’s Podcast “Treffpunkt: Zukunft” he speaks to prominent guests about their utopias and our future.